Saturday, 27 April 2013

Sea Creature

Our task for this week was to create an underwater creature. My design should be instantly recognisable as an underwater creature by the use of key real world reference and elements such as scales, fins, gills, mouth shape, eye design, webbing, etc. 

Here's my mood board.
I've looked into different part of a sea creatures. Trying to understand the body structure and different shapes.  

The picture above shows a picture of a turtle which is fuse with a shark and an angler fish. The other creature is a hammer shark with a body structure of a bat.

The one on the left is a Nautilus with arms and legs. 
The one on right has an octopus's head with a pincer as for the tail.


Added lights then render it out into Photoshop 

I am quite please with the outcome however, I noticed that the legs are awkward. For the future reference, I should do some research on leg anatomy in order for me to get the right shape and muscle toning. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Night Crawler

This week’s classwork is to see how successfully I have taken on board the simple box modelling approach to character creation.

Spending the afternoon lesson to re create the night crawler using the topology technique. Instead of using the image that was provided to me, I chose to modelled him by looking at the reference rather than sticking it into the background. 

It did not come out how i wanted, this is because I did not follow the instruction of using the images as the background. Although this was set in class, i did not get the time to finish it off

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Low Poly Minotaur

For this week, my tutor wants us to have a good understanding of low polygon box modeling techniques and placement of edge loops to achieve good topology is crucial to the majority of modelling tasks, especially for characters, creatures and organic assets.



Character Troll

Today in lesson, my task was to see how my judgement of topology is coming on and to improve my box modelling skills.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

3D Model of Myself

Took this picture (below) into Maya to build my model

A very low poly 3D model

As you can see, it looks very skinny because i was mainly focusing on the body structure first. 

Add clothing details

After adding more edge loops to create the clothing, it brings out the character body more. 

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Paintover technique, Sci Fi Cannon

Planet side 2 cannon time lapse -


   Time  -  Reason

1) 1.47 - Render it out as PNG, gets rid of the background
2) 1.56 - Adding signs using skew tool
3) 2.10 - Adding textures using rectangular marquee to adjust the image
4) 2.29 - To texture a cylinder, he used warp tool to curved the texture around it
5) 3.26 - He used dodge tool to highlight the cannon to create the lighting effect

Mood board for references

Markus Lovadina

Done some research on this artist because of his lighting skill and also linked to the cannon assignment

Done some quick sketches that popped in my head

Didn't fancy any sketches from above so I decided to sketch another one 

WIP: Maya

This picture above shows you where I've put my lightings. I got a directional light pointing downward which draw attention to my cannon while adding a ambient light at the top to give it a sunny day.

WIP: Photoshop

Normal texturing using the skew tool to get the right angle 

Using Warp tool

change the layer to multiply in order to get the effect of the shadow

Using the dodge tool to get the light effect

Adding texts using skew tool

Final Outcome!